Kamis, 02 November 2017

Adding Nofollow Tag To External Links Blogspot

Adding no follow tag to external links is always a good idea for any blog as it prevents search engine bots to follow external links that may not be relevant to your content. For example search engine bots follow links to social sharing sites via share buttons.
To add no follow tag to external links manually without any scripts or jquery codes just open your Blogspot template editor and find  "

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Why Some Search Engines Ignore Robots.txt

Generally speaking all search engines honour robots.txt file and follow the commands provided by this file . Whenever a search engine bot visits your site it always takes a look at site's robots.txt
file to know which areas of the site it is allowed to crawl and don't crawl pages that are disallowed by the site's robots.txt file.

Bots that ignore robots.txt file usually have a bad intention

Fixed Footer CSS at Bottom of Page without Overlapping Content

I was trying to fix the footer of my blog to the bottom of the page even when there is less content. What usually happens is , if there is less content on the page then , the footer is moved up and leaves a white space at the bottom of webpage that doesn't look good. I wanted to make my page similar to Google homepage where it is full width and i also wanted it to be able to scroll down if there

Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Make It Easy For People To Follow Your Blogs

Question : How do I make it easy for people to follow my blogs because at the moment it is practically impossible.

Getting followers on your blog is an important part of long term success of any blog and it is always wise to allow people easy ways to subscribe / follow your blog . On blogspot there are two primary ways make it easy for people to follow your blog  namely Google+ and email.


Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Why Most Bloggers Fail To Get Significant Success?

More than 90% of new blogs fail to get significant success in terms of traffic and monetization . The dilemma is that its very difficult to focus on writing great quality content for blog when you have to make time for marketing and promotion of blog . Currently i am working on a  project that aims to tackle this problem. Please read the following questions and answer them along with any